You’re Divine & You Know IT
Struggle is a word that is thrown around a lot these days. Struggles often arise unexpectedly, and are often self-inflicted. I could tell you that the presence of struggle in my life pales in comparison to some, but the act of comparison has stolen more joy than I care to admit. The constant worry that “she won’t want to be my friend” or “he does not want to hear what I have to say” has occupied and created struggles that were unnecessary obstacles in my life, for many lifetimes, it seems. I bought in to the struggle for so long that when life did get easy, my mind and emotions went in to some kind of culture shock. A deep rage was unseeded from within.
An overwhelming doubt occupied much of my mental space, which led to emotions that seemed to tear me apart from the inside. Desperate for a change, I wandered back to my yoga mat, hoping to find somewhere to throw all my struggles. What I found was support, ease, and forgiveness. Slowly at first, timid to explore the darkness that was bubbling on the surface, each practice began to melt away another layer of fear and self loathing. I felt like I was uncovering myself for the first time.
Each time I stayed in a pose a little longer or caught a glimpse of dropping into the flow I was reenergized and lifted high enough to see something bigger. Our society is always chasing the next best thing but I was finally seeing and experiencing a force bigger than me, right in front of and with in me. It was the vibe of a hot power room right when class gets started, or the bliss at the end of a yin class. There was something about the humans surrounding me in the studio space that seemed to resonate deep in my soul. This idea that we were all just trying to be better humans. Every time I discover, by feeling, a new muscle or space I’ve never noticed in my own body, I continue to be reminded that this is so much bigger than a physical expression. That is the magic of yoga; the transformation. It begins to happen before you notice that you are being a little gentler with yourself and before the people around you notice that you aren’t so stressed out all the time. This change isn’t a repair, it’s a shedding of old skin.
The transformation is soon discovered to be infinite, and the acceptance of this only perpetuates a deeper dive, closer to your truth. Our human experience is so limited by labels, we inadvertently organize things to death. At the core of our being there is a force greater than we can imagine. This force resides with in and all around us.
I find divinity when I pause to watch a sunset or a bee working hard to pollinate our local community garden. The divinity that is with in me and you is the light that the world so desperately needs to see in these hard moments. With each awakening I witness I am inspired to share, to co create, to BE in this world as I am. Each of us has a truth that we must discover for ourselves, and when we uncover what’s been there all along, it will begin to evolve, and your divinity will glow from within. I see you and YOU ARE DIVINE.