Movement Medicine
I am sitting in awe this week as a dream manifests right before my eyes. This last year has been a lesson in listening to my guts; the voice in my head (really my heart) that somewhere along the way I silenced. As my inner wisdom becomes louder, I find that my ego tries to compete. The back and forth has become something comical that I unpack in my daily journals. The doubt that is overcome by faith, time and time again to keep moving forward. This time I will not turn around, I will not go back.
Faith that something bigger than me has lead me here, to this edge. This place that will take me to a new, higher expansion. It has not looked pretty, but the tears have begun to wash away the parts that are keeping me from trusting this new existence. The doubt still creeps in, but I trust in my tools more than ever to stabilize and ground me. Having tools is great, remembering to use them is the portal to the other side of this human adventure.
Using breath to navigate the challenges has allowed me to sit with the feelings. My past self just liked to scream about everything, and then pretend it didn’t happen. It can get really uncomfortable, learning how to stay there, committing too letting the feeling take its time to work it self out is really fucking hard. I still mess it up pretty often. Slowly, though, I am becoming softer, with strangers, friends, and at home, where it really counts.
The softness doesn’t magically appear though. It is waking up early to mediate before the house is stirring. It is showing up, especially when I don’t want to. I was really surprised when I decided to start doing some intentional free movement at home and was faced with all kinds of resistance. I have always loved to dance, and live music and movement has forever been a healing for me. I went deep into inquiry about why I would have so much negative self talk about something, that on the surface, I really thought I would love. The more I moved, the more I was able to see that the resistance was the false narrative. As I accessed a freedom inside, my ego was begging for a way to stay relevant. So often I still felt like I was holding back, not fully expressing what my body wanted to say.
It was at a retreat with my one of my beloved teachers that I was able to drop into my body and fully embrace myself for the first time. After a weekend of walking through the forest in silence, playing barefoot in waterfalls, and the most beautiful tea ceremonies I have ever been a part of, my ego was finally resting. Only relying on the music to guide me and coming from a place of depth, I began to move authentically and blissfully. There was a melting of this external shell that was built out of shame and insecurity. With closed eyes and an open heart, I felt spirit move deep and plant messages that are now blooming. It took weeks for me to absorb what had happened in that space, an unleashing of a truer version of me. A liberation to trust and know myself completely, standing in all that I am. It is now, expressing my truest self that I am able to co-create and fully BE.
Creating DUB TEMPLE with two of my closest friends has sealed what was uncovered that night. Humans need space to FEEL and HEAL. When we move beyond words, beyond the construct of what we see right in front of us, there is infinite possibility available to all who desire access to their inner sanctuary.
I am so grateful to those who have chosen to embark on our first journey through the temple together. I can feel the energy building as we travel toward Saturday, with open arms and hearts. If you are looking for deeper connections, a place to feel supported and to BE YOU, DUB TEMPLE awaits your arrival. Join us for an evening of live music, breathwork, reiki and movement. Your HIGHEST SELF is Calling…