Connect & Thrive

This time last year, my closest friends and I committed to a trip to Patagonia. We were planning to be in the path of totality for the solar eclipse on December 14, 2020. I don’t need to tell you the circumstances preventing our travel, and I have to be honest, I have been holding on to some anger and resentment about missing this transformational event in person. It was the first international trip my partner and I planned to take together, and we were going with our favorite humans. When I got the news that we were for sure not going, I took it in stride… of course we weren’t going. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I pushed it out of my mind for a while, not acknowledging the feelings that were beginning to bubble to the surface. When I realized that it was the loss of this experience that was causing some struggle in my life, I spoke it out loud; said how I felt, and even though I know logically that this year, and every day,  is really out of my control, my feelings were still there and needed to be felt. I leaned into it, being honest, and feeling a little childish at times. I know that there are bigger problems in the world, and I feel like that logic is what has kept me from processing seemingly unimportant losses in my life, but this trip was important to me, and held a. lot of significance. Comparison keeps us from our authenticity and from living our whole truth. I started to channel the feelings; using my tools and practices to access a creative outlet. Once I surrendered to what was, I opened up this portal to the other side of  the fear of missing out. 

I began to explore how I could use all the energy I had fostered into something that would fill my soul. And then, I just started trying shit. Stepping out of my comfort zones, trusting that the universe has something truly meaningful. I began to examine all of the tools and practices that brought me to this point, and wanted a way to start to blend, create, and share something new.

I, and you, have the ability to transmute and grow through any challenge, no matter how small or life changing it may seem. The events that I am curating and the community that has surrounded me since I have surrendered is incredibly humbling. The universe is showing me that there are so many paths and ways to connect to the ultimate powerful love force all around us. Creating small containers during this time is allowing me to fully see and be with those who are interested in the growth that the work has to offer.

I am now seeing a brighter path laid out before me, I am here to serve and lift up other humans. To be able to create and hold space for others to come into their fullest expression is humbling and honestly, mind blowing. Through the events that I am curating and creating in collaboration, I am receiving the connection that my soul has been craving. Watching hearts connect through intentional movement and breath continues to inspire me daily. To know that although we are all so wonderfully different, the humanity in us all is the thread that weaves us together.

I want to celebrate all these revelations and this vitally important time on our Earth; I invite you to join me for a very special, New Moon Breathwork Healing Ceremony. We will come together in community to set intentions and clear our channels of communication as we move toward winter solstice. This time of year provides a beautiful opportunity to go with in to explore your deeper truths and examine your thinking mind with out judgment. The Sagittarius New Moon joined by the solar eclipse invites all possibilities to approaching your inner most desires and to set goals for the next cycle of your life. Breathwork practice is supported by the fire energy of sagittarius, focusing on clearing out anything keeping you from speaking and living your truth. The more you express your needs and desires, you gives others permission to do the same. 

Breathwork Healing allows for access to a deeper state of consciousness, a place where false programming begins to slip away, until all that is left is your divine truth. Underneath the labels and boxes you put yourself in, there is a being that radiates light and love, and wants to connect and thrive. You have everything you need, already inside of you. Your breath is a tool to move through and around any blockages, keeping you from you next highest expansion.

You are the moon, and the sun, and the stars. You are earth and water, fire and air. You are infinite, whole and complete. Give your self permission to explore all of your hidden edges, and expand.

Register for Monday, 12/14/2020, New Moon Breathwork Healing Circle


Feelings on Tap, Logic on Back Order


Movement Medicine